Oxford skyline silhouette

To allow us to keep everyone informed quickly of social events or news, we have decided to set up an email group. If you would like to be included in this, please use our contact form to add your email address to the subscription list.

(Note: everyone on the list will be emailed a blind carbon copy (BCC) to protect recipients’ privacy.)

You can also use the QuickNews email above to contact the committee.

Contributors wanted!

Calling all mountaineers, hang-gliders, amateur astronomers, poi spinners and anyone else with an interesting hobby. Tell us about your hobby, competitions and expeditions, and share your photos. Done an interesting residential school? Let us know about it. Seen an interesting play or concert? We’ll publish your review. This is your newsletter, and we want to hear from you! Send any articles to QuickNews.

Copyright information: any copyright of your article and photographs remain with you, but by submitting it to us you have granted the editorial team permission to print them in a future newsletter.