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OUSA Oxford, Abingdon & Witney Branch AGM

A reminder that the Oxford, Abingdon & Witney branch of OUSA are holding our AGM on Thursday 22nd November 2007 at Rewley House, Wellington Square, Oxford(Google map) from 7pm. It will be followed by the first meeting of the new committee, after which we'll move on to Rosie's for the social bit. The AGM agenda will be:

  1. welcome and apologies
  2. minutes of the last AGM
  3. Officer reports
  4. election of officers (Chair, Treasurer, Secretary) and committee members
  5. election of South Regional Forum representatives (2 for Abingdon, 1 each for Oxford and Witney)
  6. election of delegates to OUSA Conference 7008 (2 for Abingdon, 1 each for
  7. Oxford and Witney)
  8. election of representatives to the Open University in the South Committeee (OUSC) (1 each for Oxford, Abingdon & Witney).

The current committee are looking for nominations for all posts, so if you'd like to get more involved please let us know. You must be a full member of the branch to be eligible, which very simply means if you're signed up for a course next year (or are currently studying) then you can stand for election. Where we have a single nomination, the vote will be a simple for or against; for more than one nomination, we use a first-past-the-post open vote.

Hope to see you there!